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Meet the Brewer – Darrel Landini – February 2018


When did you start brewing?

Coming up on 2 years ago, I blame Dave for starting this beautiful mess!

What was your first brew?

Mr. Beer Wheat kit with honey added on June 12, 2015 Why? Dave found a kit at a yard sale, it was out of date but it made us some beer. It was cidery as hell, but it tasted pretty good to us at the time because it was OUR beer!

Were you into craft before you started brewing?

Yes, but not nearly as deeply or critically as I am now.

How many brews have you done?

Too many to count! Honestly, I lost track and just know it has been a large number.

Do you have a favorite type of beer (style, brand, whatever) to drink?

Depends on the season, Kolsch in the summer, wheat in the spring, darker beers in the fall and winter. Might be a bit old school, but that would be me. Only beer I really don’t like? Drum roll
please…IPAs! I know, shocking right?

Do you have a favorite type to brew (style, kit, all grain)?

I have nothing against kits, they definitely have their place in the world. I haven’t looked back since we went all grain, you have SO MUCH more control over flavor, ABV, etc. with all grain why would you do anything else? That said, if it gets you into the coolest hobby on the face of the planet, why not? But kits are ABSOLUTELY the gateway to bigger and better things!

Bottles or keg system? KEG! Why?

You can bottle from a keg if needs be and not worry about the sediment left behind by “natural”carbonation. Plus bottling is a pain in the ass.

Besides being an absolute brew machine, what do you do for a living?

I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician.

Do you employ any aspect of your job into brewing?

Sure, have to have a pretty solid math, chemistry and general science base to work in pharmacy. Sound familiar?


Do you employ fermentation control?

Only at a very basic level, that will change in the near future.

Any tips/tricks you have picked up so far that you think we should not overlook? 

Never assume ANYTHING! Check, double check and then triple check. Think you have enough propane to get you through your brew day? Make sure, don’t guess, guessing is the quickest way to have a crappy brew day.

Is there a beer that is totally out there that you
want to try?

To brew? Isn’t that kind of what we do? Just kidding, I have some pretty crazy ideas bouncing around in my dome, some of them I haven’t even discussed with Dave because they are THAT crazy. I hear people talking about rocky mountain oyster stout and I think “YEAH, that would kick ass! But what if we add habaneros and call it “Great Balls of Fire” stout? That’s the kind of thing that trips my trigger. Yeah, fine, make an imperial IPA or a NEIPA, I get it. I don’t want to do pedestrian, I want to do the kind of beers that people just can’t decide if they like it or not. If I can make
you really stop and ponder my beer, THAT goes down as a win!

Do you have a DIY attitude in general?

Writ small, yes.

What other things do you DIY?

Computers (build my own), Guitars (have built two of my own) and I own my home, ‘nuff said. Those of you that own a home know precisely what I mean.

You have been with the club for almost a year now (WOOT!), what has been some of the best experiences so far?

I am pretty sure I shared this on Facebook, but I will paraphrase the experience. We were all out at Palisade for a social and it was during the cup competition. I was hanging by the bar with Dave and just looking at everyone there from the club and I turned to Dave and said “I love this club.” he replied, “Me too.”, it’s stuff like that. It may sound sappy and sentimental but I don’t care. This club is about the coolest hobby EVER, but it also gives a sense of belonging and “la mia famiglia” (my family, in Italian) to all that join. I love the competitions as well, it forces me to examine and hone my skills.

You are relatively new to home brewing, but you also brew so much and so many unique styles. What has been a major drive for your motivation and uniqueness?

I just HATE being the same as everyone else! That, and I just want to see what I can do. I have a bit of a motto that I stumbled upon in our early days, “It’s AMAZING what you can do when you don’t know what you CAN’T do!”.

Prefer ales or lagers?

Yes please! Oh, you want me to pick? I guess I have to say ales because that is what I mostly brew, but I dearly love the Czech Pilsner we brew. I didn’t really answer your question, did I?

What about that style do you prefer over the other?

I truly don’t have a crushing preference, I just want a beer that is worth drinking and makes me want another. The crisp, clean, refreshing balance of a well made Pilsner can be just as satisfying as the heavy, hearty, malty goodness of a well made stout. Plus, I am fairly mercurial in my beer moods, ask me next week and you will get a different answer.

English or German beer?

Damn, why not ask me which kid I love more? Both have their merits, I love a great ESB as much as I like a Dunkel, they both hold a very dear place in my heart. Other? Not sure I have tried many beers that I truly don’t like, except IPAs, but I am VERY CLEARLY on record regarding my views on that subject.

Besides brewing what else do you enjoy doing?

Playing guitar, working out, playing video games, playing cards with my family, watching movies, traveling and last, but not least, petting my kitties!

What is one beer you have found that you
want the rest of us to know about?

Some of you are already in the know, but Sonoran Brewing Company out of Phoenix has a White Chocolate Ale (the spell it WHT CHCLT ALE) that is OUTRAGEOUS!


Do you have any sophist words of wisdom for the rest of us?

Be yourself, don’t put up a facade. All that does in the end is lead to heartache and misery for you and those that thought they knew you. Be bold and brave, stand true and hold firm to that which defines you. Therein lies peace and happiness.

Marvel or DC? Marvel Why?

I want DC to do better because I have always loved the Batman mythos, but Marvel has just knocked it out of the park! They did a slow burn, a long con if you will, and it has paid off. I don’t think anyone can dispute that. Still, c’mon DC…..

If you could ride cash cab with one superhero who would it be and why?

You have to ask?!?!?! The Merc with a MOUTH, muthafuggin’ DEADPOOL! We would LOSE spectacularly, but who CARES! It’s DEADPOOL! THAT, my friends, would be worth the price of admission, ‘nuff said.